Summer Camps & Clubs

STEM Discovery Summer Camps & Clubs

Our young campers EXPLORE with professional educators that EDUCATE using the hands-on SDDC Learning Pathways curriculum to EMPOWER a confident, curious science identity that prepares young people for the future.

STEM Discovery Summer Camps  (grades prek-5) and Clubs (grades 6-8) provide an experience beyond an at-home Pinterest activity, getting young people ready for possible careers in science!

Thank you, TTECH for sponsoring three camp scholarships!
Reach out by emailing for more information.

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Teaching Mission

All SD Discovery Center programs deliver fun, hands-on exploration that builds passion for and knowledge of science across generations; students, teachers, families, citizens.

Our Teaching Framework: The Learning Pathways

Our teaching framework ensures a high-quality class standard that focuses on lasting effects to help students find their path and hone their talents beyond school while developing college and/or career readiness skills (collaboration, creativity, communication and critical thinking) to grow a STEM workforce for South Dakota.

STEM Discovery Summer Camps & Clubs utilizes Learning Pathways aligned with our teaching framework that facilitate individual growth of students in different topics and specialty tracks. Classes are available from ages PreK through 8th grade, and real-world applications (such as leadership and volunteer opportunities, internships or citizen science projects) for high schoolers.

Our camps are divided into the following age levels:

  • Seedlings (PreK)
  • Sprouts (K-2nd grade)
  • Shoots (3-5th grade)
  • Saplings (6-8th grade)
  • Canopy (9th-12th grade interns & SDDC Educators)

Camps are offered in specialty tracks for every age level with specific camp availability rotating on a three-year cycle, allowing for age-appropriate lessons that build upon each other. Our campers can become experts in a real STEM field by taking a different class within a specialty every year.

Our Learning pathways tracks and specialties are:

  • EXPLORE: Naturalist, Storytelling, Environment
  • SCIENCE: Life Science, Physical Science, Space Science
  • TECH: Engineering, Coding, Entertainment 
  • HEALTH: Fitness, Cooking, Gardening

Equity in Education

We believe every child deserves access to hands-on science education!

Thanks to the generosity of local sponsors, we can provide scholarships and reduced fees for families in need.

If you are a SNAP, TANF, or WIC recipient, simply use the discount codes: SNAP, TANF, or WIC during the registration for a 50% discount. 

Our 2024 Canopy!

Raegan Kleinpeter, SDDC Museum Educator
Jan Martin, SDDC Early Childhood Specialist / Volunteer
Tyann Allison, SDDC Early Childhood Specialist
Anne Rasmussen, SDDC Education Assistant
Jasie Smith, STEM Educator Summer Intern
Trinh Nguyen, STEM Educator Summer Intern